The Orthodox Church of St. Matthew is a growing Christian community of people from various ethnic and social backgrounds sharing a common commitment to the Lord, each other, and the Apostolic Faith. We warmly welcome all families, couples, and individuals who are looking for a deeper experience of the salvation offered in Jesus Christ. Come and see!
2024 Member Registration & Pledge
Please remember, according to the by-laws, in order to be considered a member, a financial pledge to the Parish must be completed annually. The registration and contact information is also required in order for the parish to keep its records updated for important correspondence and Annual Donation receipts. More information and the forms can be found on the Stewardship Page. Please complete and submit your 2024 Member Registration & Pledge today.
In the event of questionable weather, information about church services will be available three (3) hours prior to any scheduled service by calling our church at 240-755-0324. A voice message will be the primary source; the church website, e-mail (listserve), prayer chain, and facebook will be secondary sources.
Current guidance for attending services
Masks continue to be optional
If you don't fell well, please stay home
Separate spoons are available for those who are immunocompromised
Drive-by communion is available upon request (call the church office for details)
Help support the Lord's work here at St. Matthew by making a donation.
Watch Livestream
Our church services are being livestreamed to our website. Watch here.
Worship With Us
We are open and welcome you to come and worship the Lord with us!
Upcoming Calendar
I was glad when they said unto me, Let us go into the house of the LORD.
Psalm 122:1
If you would like to join our community mailing list, please fill out the following form.